Saturday, November 8, 2014

APRI PRESENTS: Let's Swap Group on FB

Our objective here at Alternative Public Radio International has never been about shallow, empty, non-conclusive, clueless social networking. We have always stood on a very strong, solid platform that requires 15 hours a day in the studio making solid connections with other advocates around the world who share our goals and objectives.

The program is simple. It doesn't cost any money. Measurable results can be realized over night. This is truly an amazingly simple program. It does take time and energy to find folks that you want to cross promote with and then go and promote their pages by inviting ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS to the other members in the group's pages, projects, special events, etc.

We are very surprised to find that only very few people are utilizing this explosive idea. In order to be successful, happy and profitable. You must learn to make social media work for you and overcome the enormous obstacles that one faces when attempting to build a brand.

Email us @ or send us a private message and let us know if you want to start cross promoting. Many people have asked us will this turn into another group. My answer to that is why not. DO NOT CONTACT US OR JOIN THIS GROUP UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT IN THE TIME, EFFORT, PASSION, FOCUS AND DETERMINATION TO WORK WITH A TOP GUN GROUP WHO BELIEVES IN TRUE DIGITAL COMMUNITY AND UNDERSTANDS THE DEPTH AND POWER OF THIS PROJECT.

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