Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Planet Blip by Kiler Davenport

We will continue on this present course of self destruction because it is in our nature. Cultures come and go like the changing of seasons. We cannot be anything but who we are. When one can sit back and observe as an outsider, then one has found a sense of enlightenment, a portion of wisdom. To see things from a distance is to see the foolishness of it all. The fads, the clicks, perks, special deals, relationships, dogmas, creeds, ideas, concepts, even colors, shapes, dimensions, space, time, matter.

Humanity is but a blip on the eternal radar. An insignificant moment in an incomprehensible thing we call reality. We use, we abuse, we squander and waste. Constantly on the lookout for ways to do it better, faster, leaner, and meaner. Always trying to get that advantage, that edge. We dominate our space, strangle with intensity, consume with a vengeance, a free for all of vane imaginings. In denial of our shortcomings, apologetic as we step on each other, and hell bent on getting there first.
Searching for G-D in quantum is like a small child sitting in the seat of a 747. Our technology primitive and unseen by the universe. Toys in the hands of mad men. Foolishness that will fade like a fallen leaf.

Our failure is in our quest. Our downfall in our ability to recognize ourselves and asked who are we, what are we, where are we. Our resources are limited. Our time is short. Our power feeble and misused. We suck the energy from each other. We are devouring ourselves from the inside out. We think too much of ourselves as if this was all a gift because we are so special.

We talk of one nation under G-D while dancing like wild whores with the underworld. We freely give ourselves to the darkness. Our brains are out of control craving more and more. The abnormal has become the in thing. The twisted has become our bed fellow. We shall not escape ourselves. We cannot put the pieces back together. We cannot turn our head and make it all go away.

 Death will come sure and swift. It will devour us completely. It will take us down to that dark place where choice is not an option. Free will does not exist and second chances are null and void.

The time to act is now while we still can. The time for change is now in this present moment. Your opinion is like a bird with a broken wing. Your status a fool’s game. Your education a handicap. When death comes knocking at the door will you be ready. Can you say come in I have done my good deed. I have been the good neighbor, the good friend, the good boss, the good person. Can you say you are ready.

Attitude = 100% by Kiler Davenport

I know that most of you want more out of life. You want to experience the fullness of your existence. You want the most of the most. The best of the best, be it God’s will of course. The problem is that most people can’t get out of the box. The same old, same old, you know, that everyday grind. That methodical madness that we call the rat race, running and chasing your tail, three steps forward and four steps back. The never-ending battle to keep up with the Jones’ and the Smiths’; the seemingly uphill climb, only to find yourself back at the starting point frustrated, confused, wondering why me Lord.  What have I done to deserve this? Am I being punished for my past? Won’t I get ahead, and on, and on, and on?
  God did not give us this magnificent chance to get a glimpse of his creation, only to sit around and feel sorry for ourselves. Your mission, if you should decide to accept it, is one of explosive energy, progressive development, and mind-blowing communication. 

 The major difference between the haves’ and the have nots’ is the ability to realize your responsibility. We have to be  more than believers we have to be doers. The star players in this final act. There is no time to waste. And there is no time to sit down, and let the grass grow under your feet. You have to make up your mind which team you want to be on. There’s only two, the right one and the wrong one. It’s up to you. Make your choice. It’s not really a difficult decision. All you have to do is stop and think. Take just a moment to think about your life. Lay it all out on your mental table. Are you happy, healthy, content, peaceful, fulfilled; or are you confused, fearful, depressed, angry, and agitated? Attitude is everything. I’ll say it again; attitude is everything.

Take a piece of paper, right now, and write out the word ATTITUDE. Now assign each letter the number that letter corresponds to and add those numbers up. Guess what, they add up to 100%.  A=1, T=20, T=20, I=9, T=20, U=21, D=4, E=5 = 100%. Attitude is everything folks.

 You can’t hide it; you can’t even deny it. It’s who you are. It’s the outside of your inside. It let’s everybody know whose team you are on. Some of you have learned to alter your attitude to fit your immediate needs, to get what you want, to razzle and dazzle, or to glaze, daze, and amaze. If you are a good attitude watcher you can spot the spoiled brats, the uppity- uppity, wannabe’s, high falutin’ tootin’, new money, old money, no money, high rolling, dope smoking, beer drinking people everywhere

 What does your attitude say about you? Are you outgoing, easygoing, easy to love, forgiving, demanding, hateful, or deceitful? Take a long, hard look at your self. I mean a really good look. What do you see? What does God see? Are you happy with who you are, right now at this moment? Would you like to make changes? If you needed a roommate, would you move in with you? Would you like to make some changes? Would you like to work with you, go on vacation, go to church, school, shopping? Do you like you when you look in the mirror? Think about it, contemplate it, study it, and understand it. Don’t ignore the issue.  Everyone watches you, just like you watch them. Your attitude will make you or break you. Pick one.

Out of Sight Out of Mind by Kiler Davenport

I am so sick and tired of hearing people say 'we need to quit sending our money and resources over seas and focus on our problems here in the US'. Let me say to this statement that it’s so much easier to help someone somewhere else than it is right here in our own back yard. It doesn't require any time, effort, deep thought, organization, or planning on the part of our citizens.

It is a feel good thing to sponsor a child who is starving in some far away third world country. It is a look how special we are deal to box up clothes and supplies and put them on a truck to some far away disaster zone. As long as we don't have to get off our ass and climb out of our easy chair and go with them.

Americans have forgotten how to work together to solve seemingly impossible problems. We can't seem to agree on much of anything except the fact that we can't agree on much of anything. We don't stand on common ground anymore. There are too many distractions, fads, scams, shams, wheeler dealers, nuts, crazies, scam artists, liars, deceptions, and just plain psychopaths everywhere and that is our so called leaders in government I am talking about.

Most folks have been beat down to the point where they just don't feel like what they do really makes any difference. Others have sold out to the idea that we are too far gone to bring about any meaningful, lasting, positive change. Still others like to gripe and complain without taking any action what so ever. I am personally almost to the point of giving up on trying to do what ever it is I think I'm trying to do to fix what ever it is I think I'm trying to fix. All this is mind boggling to me. What is the fundamental question that we need to ask ourselves? How can we possibly make any sense out of all this?

We have turned into animals eating each other up tearing each other apart. Most of you have no idea what is really going on in this country today. Most of you are clueless when it comes to realizing how serious all this really is.

It amazes me to see how some of you put all your family pictures and air all of your dirty laundry on Facebook and other social platforms. You poor ignorant, uneducated fools when will you learn? What will it take to get you to keep your mouth shut? Big brother is watching you logging every key stroke and monitoring every conversation. Why would you subject your family and loved ones to these dark and dangerous forces? All these ignorant mistakes you are making now will come back to haunt you, your children, and your families. 

Do you really think for one moment people really give a damn how your family looks? What they are wearing, where they went, what they had for breakfast, or what the babies’ poop looked like this morning? Hell no. Hell no. Hell no. All of you vain air heads should be rounded up and thrown into the nearest idiot camp. Are you feeding the hungry? Are you finding shelter for the homeless families and children in your community? Are you visiting and comforting the lost, lonely, depressed, and sorrowful human beings around you? Are you working with others to bring your community together united for a common cause? One that will bring peace, prosperity, safety, security, health and well being to all. 

Have you stepped out of your comfort zone long enough to feel the hurt, pain, and suffering of those in your midst? How much have you given of yourself, your money, time, effort, attention, and understanding to those critical outreach programs in your community that need your support? When is the last time you went out to visit and comfort those lost senior citizens in long term care facilities in your neighborhood? Some of them never, I said never, receive a visitor. They were just dumped there to die with strangers. 

Maybe you are thinking right now who does this guy think he is to tell me what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. I’m the guy that will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. I am the guy out there busting my balls trying to figure out some solution to these massive, overwhelming problems we face and our children will be left with when we are soon to be dead, gone, and rotting in the grave.
So answer me. Tell me what you are doing. Tell me what else I can do. Tell me what we can do together. Get off your ass and do something. But first of all take all of that vein, ugly pictures off the social platforms. Get a life. 

We live in a very nasty, crooked, dirty, deceitful, two faced world. The prime directive for our existence, if there is one, should be to do no harm and to try to help lift each other up out of our crummy, little, confusing state of affairs. We are all in this together. We bleed the same blood, breath the same air; have the same basic needs, wants, desires, dreams, and aspirations. We cannot escape or separate from each other no matter how hard we try. 

Every one of you should devote your life to a cause. I don’t care what it is. Just figure out what you can learn and do it to the best of your ability. Let me give you some examples: senior citizen advocacy, the environment, education, social services, and critical outreach, volunteering at a soup kitchen, the homeless, government watchdog, or whatever. Find something and put everything you have into it. 

Educate yourself, empower yourself, train yourself, discipline yourself, get focused, locate your target, zero in and shoot for it. This is what you are supposed to do. This is what your kids are supposed to do. This is what we are all supposed to do. 

Common citizens must learn to stand together on a united front standing hand in hand. This chain will not be broken. All it takes is that first step.

You have to get used to working outside your comfort zone. You have to give up some of your creature comforts. You have to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. If you are not a part of the solution then you are definitely a part of the problem. 

A word of advice help the smaller non-profits in your community. Keep it at the grass roots level. Stay away from the large monstrous non-profits. Be able to see, feel, smell, and taste where your money, time, and effort is going. If you can’t personally measure the results then be cautious and careful.

Most of you will click past this article and never give it a second thought. Others will hate the messenger and ignore the message. Most of you are set in your ways. You can’t see the forest for the trees. Your minds are already made up. Then you have the know it alls who can’t be told anything. However if just a handful of you get something out of this it will be worth it. Let me know if I inspired you or pissed you off. I’m happy either way.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Completely Clueless America by Kiler Davenport

The majority of Americans even those who are educated are completely clueless as to how this government really works from the inside out. Yes there are hard working people and they pay their taxes and contribute but that is the problem because government is getting away murder. It amazes me when the radio team goes out and talks to people on the street most are dumb as a box of rocks. And the ones who do stay up on the main stream media are even more clueless than those who do not even watch the news.
There are several things going on here and it is very important to know how this game works. Remember super secret government controls everything in the world and these are the guys and girls who remain in the dark shadows and pull all of the strings. He who has the gold makes the rules and believe me these people have lots and lots of gold. They control every aspect of our lives from behind this stone wall. In the US they both directly and indirectly control the house and the senate. They have positioned people in key areas of community, town, city, county, and state positions. These operatives do their bidding like it or not, know it or not.
It is a mind game and these global elites know how to play because they made up all the rules. Many things that happen at the local levels are not really directed by the order unless things get out of hand or start to take a wrong turn or possibly effect a larger plan and then ruling world counsel will step in and take control.
The citizens in the world are a booger in the nose to these world rulers and mainly act as slaves, piggy banks for the already mega rich and of course are the back bone of the system using their slave labor to keep things running smooth. Citizens have been trained and beat down so that they stay out of the way here on fake book. This is the dead beat street of the lame brain and the lost and lonely. This new world order loves fake book because they can keep a really good eye on all of us and know what we are thinking, feeling, and doing.
Most of you are so stupid that you just lay your life all out here including your dirty laundry for all to see and the government loves this kind of free lunch. Yes, the majority here on face book are just plain stupid and clueless. Like little rats in a maze you run and run and run. If most of you had a real working brain you would take it out and play with it.
Your programming is so complete and locked in that my words and wisdom will fly in one ear and out the other. Alternative media is not better than the mainstream. Our perspective is just different and a little more exciting. We entertain and amuse. We are still talking to the same clueless people that live and work and support the main stream. Its all really pointless but we continue to reach out in hopes that a few will listen and learn. Most of you are sucking the tit in one way or another and you are a consumer. You run and run and run and never move an inch. You will do tomorrow the same thing you did today. NOTHING.

Crazed Consumers by Kiler Davenport

The question really is when do we get fed up enough to fight. How much more has to happen before we kick some ass. Does shit have to start falling out of the sky in our mouths before we act. Will taxes have to go to 50% before we open our eyes? Are any of you stupid enough to believe that any of this will get better? Are you so clueless and uneducated that you see nothing wrong? Lots of you lamebrains out there.
I guess most of you would agree that we are in some kind of trouble, even those with shit for brains. The thing that really worries me is that we are sheltering the children from the truth and the hard core reality. But when you have so many parents here who are 10 bricks short of a full load this is what happens. The nut falls not very far from the tree.
Anyone who would even think about having a baby in this climate is a complete idiot. These clueless, welfare sucking fools just keep popping these little monsters out. They are like roaches falling off the kitchen ceiling. They are everywhere. Like rats in the sewer. Another little crazed consumer.

Pretend Faces by Kiler Davenport

People putting on those pretend faces everywhere. That silly laugh, those hand gestures, those cute eye movements, a brush of the hair. What is it that we are afraid of? What are we hiding? Why not just rip one off at the party? Why not blow a little bit of snot into your hand or pick your nose or eat one? Yes many adults still eat their boogers. Why not just walk into that office party and bellow out “where’s the pussy” or the board meeting with those Roberts rules of order my ass. Jump up on the table and do a little dance.
I do these kinds of things all the time to force people out of the box and get them thinking about all the ways we pretend. Some folks even take it as far as putting on a front with their spouse. Why would anyone do this? What good is it?
I have seen poop-d-doo women get all dolled up before their boyfriend or husband sees them in the morning. I have known people who have sex with the lights off because they are afraid of the naked body or what it looks like.
Many of you out there are great pretenders especially on fake book. Most of you who know me know that I do not pretend. What you hear is what you get. I will not bend or sway for anyone. I am who I am and I am very aware of who and what I am. I have very thick skin because of my work and experience in life. I do not shock easy and I am not afraid to bend the rules or even stretch them out of place to the point of breaking.
Most of you have never really lived life because of your programming and indoctrination. You have been trained to conform and obey. Your children grow up the same way. Cultural norms are good to a point but they also divide and can create wars and destruction. Ignorance separates people and creates tension and hate.
I say we should try and be open as to who we are and what we are no matter in the board room or the bathroom. I know this sounds radical but if we could try to do this I believe we would all benefit.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Your Brain on Vaccines by Kiler Davenport

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a move on to get you vaccinated and your children and all of your friends. The problem is they will soon be forced. You must make a critical decision and think really hard about what we have discovered in all the years of our research. The new world order has engineered and deadly poison that will be put into your body and travel straight to your brain and be there for life and it will be able to carry itself to your offspring and to their offspring.
I would never put our lives at risk unless I knew this is fact and happening NOW. We may not be here very long because of what we know and who we are connected with. Please share this information.
If you have already been infected then you will pass by this and never give it a second thought. Those infected will also turn you in if you talk of resistance. They have bee programmed to do so.
This is the final hour people and I, we, do not know what will happen from this point on. Protect yourself and your family but be prepared to fight. If you refuse to take the shot you will be put on the black list and rounded up at a later date along with your children and locked into a re-education facility.

The Illusive Power of I by Kiler Davenport

The illusive power of the I will not sustain us. This delusional fixation of the proposition of the we is a fiction. True and lasting collaboration is a daunting task. Even so we must grasp for it and long for it. Wonderful, creative and energetic minds working together to solve the world’s most pressing issues.
Most of you are powerless and lazy. You shutter at the thought of having to work hard to find and keep productive relationships. Soon you will have settled into your meaningless, empty, endless grave and you will stay until the grave consumes your cold dead rotting body. Never mind that we are drowning in a massive sea of shit. Forget the fact that we have created hell on earth for the children.
Don’t even think about how we treat each other. Just continue to pretend that you are special and continue believing that someone or something is going to swoop down and save us all from these dangers that we invented. Keep your clueless head buried in that television it will all be over soon.

Nasty Taste of Reality by Kiler Davenport

Reality has a really nasty taste and many try to keep it from their lips and out of their mouth all together. When one really looks hard at one’s self it is not a pretty picture. We have fallen so far short of the mark and neglected our responsibility for taking care of ourselves and others in need. We have let our children remain empty of the real world. We have sheltered them from the suffering and pain of those millions around the world and have let the mainstream schools indoctrinate and program these little ones.
As we move through this dangerous matrix our minds are closed for repair and that repair seems to never come. We look to the skies for a Savior and that very Savior asked to do things even more powerful than he did.
Most are so afraid to look at the true balance sheet for it is there that they see the end of us because our deep sleep. Let us somehow come together and have a deep fellowship. Let us try and see what love really is and let us pray for a revival.

Fragments and Broken Bones by Kiler Davenport

There is nothing left but fragments of what was. We walk through broken bones of a land lost to the clueless. We walk side by side with the slaves of this demented world. These zombies number in the millions and their children follow them down to the slaughter house blindly. Every step they take has been ordered by the machine. Every word they speak has been programmed into them. There will be no escape from this self made prison. Their DNA has been altered forever and they know not what they do. Some of us could not be bought or enslaved into this mind trap.
These new zombies are very dangerous and violent. They have become the watchers and will take your soul to the masters. Avoid them at all cost and avoid their children. When mixing them pretend to be like them. Blend in and act as they do or they will sniff you out and report you.
We are deprogramming as many as we can but our team is tired and overworked. These zombies come from all walks of life and blend in very well themselves. Some are hard to spot and will fool you so be careful and always alert.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Same Exact Things by Kiler Davenport

So you got up this morning and you did the same exact thing you did yesterday morning what real good is that. All of you, each and every one of you must get out of the grind of the same old same old if we are to progress to a level that exceeds this one. Otherwise it will just be your programming that is running things and that is not a good thing.
For most of you this post will seem obscured and you will not even respond with wisdom. You are so hell bent of yourself that you can only see that and nothing else. I am always fighting against my old worn out self and its programming and indoctrination.
What will you post today and how and who will it help? Where will you go today? What will you do and why? Will you try  and find folks just like you to hang with because the others are just to different from with the homeless. Do you volunteer for the battered women’s shelter? Do you go and volunteer for the mental health association?
Tell me if you believe that you are making a really big difference for those who are in pain and suffering and dying. Tell me if you are out there on the front lines like we and our teams are doing the dangerous and difficult work that most do not want to do and will not do. Are you teaching your kids about the world? Have you told them of the world you help create and just how dangerous it really is? Are you going out and buying more things on the credit to make yourself happy? Tell me what you will do today that is really worth a shit please.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Place Called Earth by Kiler Davenport

We live and move within our senses and we know not what they are or how they work. We exist on a place called earth and we know not where it is or why it is. We manifest from these bodies and know not why or how. We sense something bigger and better yet we seem not to be able to grasp or touch it. We suffer and we are in pain. Millions die and are dominated by the hands of men and women we call the military. We sit back and watch as the world unfolds and we do nothing.
We have not learned to work together. We have not learned to forgive. We pretend to have fellowship and we pretend to love. Our children here in the US are growing up as clueless as their parents in most cases. Race against race, town against town, county against county, country against country, neighbor against neighbor.
You work for and bow to the very one you want to kill. Does this make any sense?
You are not willing to give up a lot to change just a little. You want it all and you want it now. You are satisfied just to be. You want it all and then some and you will run over the next guy to get it. Look how you shop and look how you act and live. You are lost in the matrix and bound for the void.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Stuck on Stupid by Kiler Davenport

Many folks are stuck on stupid and clueless and this is the way they like it. They are comfortable living in these false comfort zones. They have no idea how much danger we are in and just how fast things could go from bad to really bad. Most minds are very easy to control and the government knows this very well.
The majority of Americans are being controlled by the machine and are clueless that they have been taken over. Their kids are also under control and command of the borg. A few of us have escaped and cannot be controlled. We believe this is because we grew up on the farm and had our own milk cows and drank from our own wells. We also grew up away from the city and deep in the woods.
Most of you are deep into the matrix and will never escape. This is a fact and must be dealt with. Those zombies who feed the machine and live for the machine will forever be in the machine. Those of us who have not had our minds warped must stick together for the end is close. The house of cards is getting ready to fall.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dance This Dance by Kiler Davenport

As we dance this dance the ice is getting thinner and thinner. The sky is falling and the ground is cracking under our feet. People are the dead walking. The clueless abound. The spoiled are rotten. Kids are trapped in concrete. The parents deluded and stoned on this new world order. Enslaved by self pity and stupidity.
Lamebrains staggering through the streets like zombies going to a blue light special. As millions suffer and die they play computer games and act as if some magic elf is watching over all of the children and spreading eye candy throughout the land.
What will it take to wake these idiots up? How hard do we have to hit them? What kind of damn disaster will it take here in their backyard for them to open up their blind eyes and see the dangers that befall us.
Men are just as clueless as women and the nuts are not falling very far from the tree. We are a clueless, lazy, spoiled, selfish, greedy, programmed people. I see the dead walking everywhere and they have this glazed look on their face as if there is nothing there. Is it self imposed this emptiness? Does it come from the outside? The food, the air. These mind control projects created by the secret government.
What happened to this big march on Washington? Where are all these bad asses anyway. At the mall.